The ChoosaBroker Trading Academy

13.4. Basic Performance Monitoring with MT4

MetaTrader 4 has this wonderful tool whereby account information and trade history is readily available in the “Terminal” pane at the bottom of the MT4 screen. These trading statements enable a trader to evaluate his or her overall performance and examine individual trades.

MT4 Trading Report

To access the trading reports:

  • Click CTRL+T to open the “Terminal” window.
  • Go to the “Account History” tab in the lower left hand corner of the “Terminal” menu.
  • Next, right-click to generate a drop down menu.
  • Select the time frame for which you want the trading statement, and click on “Save as Report.”

What is Available in the Trading Report?

  • Deposit/Withdrawal – The sum total of deposits and withdrawals made to and from the account during the period under consideration.
  • Credit – The amount of credit that a trader is entitled to.
  • Closed Trade Profit/Loss – Total profit or loss from all the trades executed during the period.
  • Floating Profit/Loss – The sum total of floating profits and losses on a client’s current open trades.
  • Margin – Net margin available at the time the report is generated.
  • Balance – Outstanding account balance at the time the report is generated.
  • Equity – Balance + Credit + Floating Profit – Floating Loss.
  • Free Margin – The amount of capital available to initiate a new position (Free Margin = Equity – Margin)

MT4 Detailed Trading Report

In addition to the information found in regular reports, traders can access detailed reports that contain a whole host of interesting and useful data. To view a detailed report on MT4:

  • Click CTRL+T to open the “Terminal” window.
  • Go to the “Account History” tab in the lower left hand corner of the “Terminal” menu.
  • Next, right-click to generate a drop-down menu.
  • Select the time-frame for which you want the trading statement, and click on “Save as Detailed Report.”

What is Available in the Detailed Trading Report?

  • Gross Profit – The total value of profits booked during the period under consideration.
  • Gross Loss – The total value of losses booked during the reporting period.
  • Total Net Profit – Gross Profit – Gross Loss
  • Profit Factor – Gross Profit/Gross Loss.
  • Expected Pay-off – Total Net Profit divided by the number of trades undertaken.
  • Absolute Drawdown – The amount by which the account balance has decreased from the initial deposit.
  • Maximum Drawdown – The largest decline in monetary value from a peak to a trough during a specified period.
  • Total Trades – The total number of trades executed in the period under consideration.
  • Largest Profitable Trade – The most profit earned on any single trade.
  • Largest Loss-making Trade – The most loss suffered on a single trade.
  • Average Profit Trade – The average amount of money earned on all profitable trades.
  • Average Loss Trade – The average amount of money lost on all loss-making trades.
  • Maximum Consecutive Wins – The longest period of consecutive profit-making trades.
  • Maximum Consecutive Losses – The longest continuous streak of loss-making trades.

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